Innovation of Arnis Sparring Stick
Innovation in Arnis Sparring Sticks One of the characteristics of sports arnis is the use of padded sticks, this is a fighting tool that is used in free sparring, usually made of a thin rattan stick inserted into a synthetic material to serve as a cushion, and covered with synthetic fabric. This is the innovation in arnis that started a type of arnis training, Sports Arnis. A free sparring in arnis using padded sticks Why and how did the existence of padded sticks begin? The main reason is to make arnis a martial art of Filipinos that uses a stick, a sword, and empty hands as a sport. Arnis began to be officially introduced to the public in the 1970s when the government needed Filipino cultures to be used in developing a concept of Filipino nationalism, any indigenous type and form of culture from different parts of the country was needed to symbolize the national characteristics of the Philippines. Arnis is a martial art that will stimulate Filipin...